With January being Trafficking Awareness Month, let’s look into one main industry that drives this issue. PORNOGRAPHY! The Porn industry is an ever growing industry. Pornography distributors supply countless videos and images to view anytime and anywhere. A lot of times the videos or images one sees are non consensual videos. These individuals are threatened to perform. They are controlled and scared into providing the content desired. While most see this as another entertainment vice, that really isn’t that bad, the truth is that the Porn industry is responsible for trafficking and exploitation statistics rising by supplying this content to the ever increasing demand. For example, Take someone who has viewed porn for years and has gone as dark as you can. They will eventually not get their fix from just viewing images. They will have the desire to act on their fantasies. Sadly this usually ends in molestation, rape, paying for sex (trafficking), exploitation, or abduction. Those abducted are usually sold or raped. Unfortunately some of these cases end in the murder of the victim.

girl covering her face with her hand

Now imagine if we totally eradicated the Porn Industry and made it illegal to produce content like this. Imagine what that would do to the demand. This alone would drastically improve the trafficking statistics and would be a huge step in eradicating trafficking all together. Think about it.