While fighting this fight year round is imperative, the risk of sexual abuse against children increases during the holidays. Let’s work together to protect these children during this holiday season.

Here are some things that you can do:
– Try to eliminate situations where your child is alone with an adult/older child

– Make sure your child feels safe about speaking up on things that are bothering them

– Look for changes in grades, sleep habits, eating habits, moods, and daily routines. Changes in these areas does not necessarily mean that your child is being abused, but can alert you that something may be going on.

-Teach your child boundaries and that no one has a right to touch them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable.

Here are some statistics:

– 9 out of 10 sexually abused children know their abuser

– 4 out of 10 are sexually abused by older children- Most will not disclose the sexual abuse right away and some will never speak up about it
